Security in Being a Son and a Servant pt 1
Security in Being a Son and a Servant pt 3

Security in Being a Son and a Servant pt 2

This continues from part 1 which goes through the story of what is commonly called "The Prodigal Son." Actually, it would be far more accurate to say it is a story about a Father with two sons. The point in all of this story is the Father's heart towards his sons. In understanding the Father's heart we find security.

The first son had squandered all his Father had worked hard for and given him. He failed in what he had set out to do. Yet when he returned home in repentance (with a different way of thinking) his Father only rejoiced to see him and called for a great celebration. The celebration wasn't because of the repentance. It was because the son had returned home. The repentance the son returned home with was one of shame, but the repentance (or different way of thinking) the Father wanted the son to have was one of security; being fully aware that he was his Father's son. So he declared him as his son and called for a celebration. The celebration was important in restoring the security as well as being a time of great joy.

But as we grow in service the celebrations are no longer needed. We move from sonship and celebrations to service and hearing our Father's voice. 

Luke 15
28"The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his Father went out and pleaded with him. 29But he answered his Father, 'Look! All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends.

In saying this the older brother was ignoring all the things he had done with his Father, all the trust the Father had shown in him over the years; everything the Father had done for him. He was expressing his feelings by focusing on whether or not his Father had any celebrations for him. And the fact is the Father probably had not had any celebrations for the older son. Celebrations are not for the older sons, they are not for those who are mature. Relationship is.

 31" 'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.

When we mature in God it is hearing his voice and word that gives us security. It is knowing that our relationship is secure because the Father says it is. It is knowing that all we have worked for is still ours simply because our Father says that all things are ours.

We will finish this up in part 3; continuing to look at how our maturity in being a son enables us to be a servant.


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